Our booking assistant helps employees identify the issues that are important to them and when they’d like to be seen
Watch intro videos from a short list of best-fit therapists based on ethnicity, gender and languages spoken
Booking info is shared with the therapist so we can get straight into therapy, saving you time and money
Right first time matching means employees start working on getting better straight away
No wasted sessions means lower costs for you and your budget
98% of employees stay with their first matched therapist
Confidential and secure space for therapy insulated from day to day business messaging
Employee can exchange messages access resources shared by therapist
Encourages employees to open up about mental health and engage with therapy
All video session are held in a secure digital environment
Nobody other than Lumo will ever know who had a session or what was discussed
Creates a safe space for therapy that your teams can trust
Ready to find out more? Let’s talk