Helpful Content
Here you’ll find a selection of articles and videos to learn more about a wide range of mental health topics.

Addressing and Transforming Workplace Relationships
Addressing and Transforming Workplace Relationships
Why do you keep repeating certain patterns in your relationships at work? The key to this could be understanding your schemas and the ‘schema chemistry’ you have with others. Find out what this is — and how to break free of the trap.
‘'Why do I keep dating toxic people?’ Schema chemistry might explain it
‘'Why do I keep dating toxic people?’ Schema chemistry might explain it
Feel like you always attract the wrong partners? Find out the deeper reasons why you might be stuck in damaging relationship patterns…

How to spot narcissist abuse — and break free from the trap
How to spot narcissist abuse — and break free from the trap
Trapped in a toxic relationship? Learn about the signs of narcissistic abuse and typical tactics used by abusers to keep you hooked…

Stop the bickering — the ‘6 Cs’ of resolving conflicts at work
Stop the bickering — the ‘6 Cs’ of resolving conflicts at work
For Conflict Resolution Day 2022, we’re looking at workplace tensions from a psychological perspective — and offering key steps to dealing with it

5 reasons why you might be struggling with a work-life balance
5 reasons why you might be struggling with a work-life balance
Burnout at work can have many underlying causes, including mental, emotional and cognitive. For National Work Life Week 2022, we are exploring a few of them.

15 ways to be a better listener and connect more deeply with others
15 ways to be a better listener and connect more deeply with others
In part one of our listening skills series, we looked at the reasons why we can struggle to truly pay attention to and hear others. Now in part two, we’re sharing tips for how to improve on these skills…

8 key reasons for why we struggle to listen
8 key reasons for why we struggle to listen
Good listening skills are often in short supply these days. Learn about the deeper social, psychological and emotional reasons for why this is

Mental health in fatherhood — why does it matter?
Mental health in fatherhood — why does it matter?
Fatherhood can be challenging. Here are some of the key mental health issues that dads can face — and what they can do about them.

Want better relationships at work? The secret might be in your communication style
Want better relationships at work? The secret might be in your communication style
Confused by colleagues? Struggling to assert yourself at work? Here’s how to understand the different communication styles while also improving your own

10 smart and effective ways to deal with workplace bullying
10 smart and effective ways to deal with workplace bullying
Workplace bullying can be a devastating experience. Here’s how to deal with it and also understand the dynamics behind it.

4 ways for connecting with your children to help them cope with stress.
4 ways for connecting with your children to help them cope with stress.
Worried about your children becoming stressed? Read this post to discover the most important thing you can do to help them.

Not coping with being ghosted? Here's how to find closure and move on
Not coping with being ghosted? Here's how to find closure and move on
Ghosting can be painful, confusing and even traumatic. Here are some reasons why it happens, plus tips for how to manage your wellbeing after the experience...

Losing a loved one to suicide — how to cope with the mental health effects
Losing a loved one to suicide — how to cope with the mental health effects
Losing a loved one to suicide is devastating and confusing. Here are some ways that you can move through your grief and find the support that you need...

When love is a trap — 7 ways to know if you're in a trauma bond
When love is a trap — 7 ways to know if you're in a trauma bond
Trauma bonding can keep people trapped in abusive relationships. But what is it and how can you spot the signs? Here, we look at toxic ties and their causes...

What are the 4 attachment styles — and why do they matter?
What are the 4 attachment styles — and why do they matter?
Feeling stuck in the same old painful relationship patterns but don’t know why? Attachment theory could hold the answers — and help you to finally move forward.

What is Complex PTSD? Learn about the symptoms, causes and best therapies
What is Complex PTSD? Learn about the symptoms, causes and best therapies
Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a painful condition that affects many. Here, we talk you through the childhood experiences that can shape it — and how you can begin to heal...

Worried that your teen is depressed? Here are 12 of the biggest signs
Worried that your teen is depressed? Here are 12 of the biggest signs
Is your teen showing signs of depression? Find out what to look out for, how to encourage them to talk about it and how to offer support...

Dealing with pandemic weight gain? Here’s how to move forward in a positive way
Dealing with pandemic weight gain? Here’s how to move forward in a positive way
Experiencing post-lockdown body image issues? In part four of our Covid mental health series, we look at how to deal with pandemic weight gain in a sensible and self-loving way...

Love in the time of Covid: what are ‘turbo relationships’ and can they last?
Love in the time of Covid: what are ‘turbo relationships’ and can they last?
Many new couples experienced high speed intimacy during lockdown. In part three of our pandemic series, we look at the challenges these relationships could face in the post-lockdown era...

Thinking of online therapy? Here's why it works better for some people
Thinking of online therapy? Here's why it works better for some people
Online therapy is undergoing a huge surge in popularity. Here are some reasons why increasing numbers of people are seeking support via the internet…
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